Current Office Safety Precautions in Effect:
Our office is in the little brick bungalow at the rear of the parking lot. The signage out front says “Dr. Lisa Keith”.
We are taking the following precautions to protect our clients and staff at this time.
Precautions will be revised should additional information or recommendations from the College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers, or the Provincial or Federal Governments, become available.
- We have scheduled appointments at specific intervals to avoid clients arriving or leaving sessions at the same time.
- We ask all clients to wait in their cars or outside until contacted. Please make sure we have your cell phone number prior to your appointment.
- Please do not come into the building as there is no waiting room available at this time.
- There is a front and a back entrance, and you may use either one. Let us know which entrance you will be coming through.
- Clients are not required to wear masks upon entering the building or using the restroom. You and I can wear masks during our session if it increases your level of comfort.
- Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the office
- Physical contact is not permitted.
- Please bring your own water or other beverage as these are not provided.
- Sessions usually begin on the half hour with a 5-10-minute gap
- A HEPA Air Purifier System will be running throughout the day to increase air quality and remove particles in the air.
- Restroom soap dispensers are maintained, and everyone is encouraged to wash their hands.
If you have specific needs, please let us know. Thank you for your attention to these procedures.